Category: Deen

Posts related to Islam


Quran: Mishary Rashid Al-Efasy

1. Al-Fātihah[audio:quran/Mishary/Mishary – 001 – Al-Fatiha.mp3]0.79MB 2. Al-Baqarah[audio:quran/Mishary/Mishary – 002 – Al-Baqara.mp3]115.6MB 3. Ä€l-`Imrān[audio:quran/Mishary/Mishary – 003 – Aal-E-Imran.mp3]72.1MB 4. An-Nisā’[audio:quran/Mishary/Mishary...


When the Moors Ruled Europe

An extraordinary Channel 4 documentary describes the glorious rule of Muslims in what is now Spain. A forgotten history is...


Arabic for beginners

Learning Arabic has always been my wish and a huge regret of mine not having learned it in my youth...


Seven people

Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, “Allah will give shade, to seven, on the Day when there will be no...


Saying Salam

According to Imam Nawawl, greeting with the words of as-Salam-u-‘Alaikum is a Sunnah, and responding to it is Wajib (obligatory), but this essentiality is of the nature of Kifaya, meaning thereby that if a few persons out of the whole assembly or group respond to the greeting it will absolve all of the responsibility of response but if no response comes forth from any quarter all are held responsible for it.