Learning Arabic has always been my wish and a huge regret of mine not having learned it in my youth while I had the chance. I’ve made several half hearted attempts since by taking several formal and semi-formal classes and although now I can understand spoken and written Arabic to some extent, I am nowhere near to be able to converse with someone. To help keep up with what I’ve learned and to improve upon it, I found this great list of resources on the blog musings of a muslimah and I thought I’d share them with you.
- A comprehensive list of Arabic lessons in PDF format.
- This link has many lessons based on difficulty level. Lessons include writing exercises, grammar, reading etc.
- A list of audio files teaching arabic
- Another list of Audio lessons teaching reading, expressions and Arabic grammar.
If you know of any other resources that I may have missed, please post them in the comments.
[via: musingsofamuslimah]
Asslaamu ‘alaikum.
Jazak Allahu khayran for the links, they are very beneficial, ma sha Allah. I also found the Qibla Finder very useful.
May Allah continue to guide you and us all. Wassalaam.